To look and feel flawless, it is necessary to make time for oral care. After all, a smile makes us look and feel beautiful. Here are some dentists’ tips that you might want to follow if you’re looking to whiten your teeth and maintain your smile.
Tips To Help You Whiten Your Teeth Quickly And Maintain Their Whiteness
Don’t drink too much red wine
People who enjoy this beverage often know that red wine can change the colour of their teeth and cause unsightly dark spots. When you don’t pay enough attention to dental care, the appearance and health of your teeth can diminish. So if you drink red wine, try to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth afterwards.
Quit smoking
Smoking is not only an expensive and bad habit, but it can cause bad breath and yellow teeth. You will need to find a dentist near you more often to provide you with teeth whitening services. Besides, smoking can cause enamel cracks and weaken your teeth. Remember, if you are trying to quit smoking- it will not only save you a lot of money but will also prevent yellow teeth and various illnesses.
Coffee and tea? It is worth drinking less
Ordinary black tea and coffee that so many people love to drink can make your teeth yellow. You can still drink these beverages; however, you will have to visit a dentist near you for oral hygiene services more often if you want to maintain a white smile.
Always use mouthwash
Any dental clinic near you would suggest rinsing your mouth with mouthwash after each meal. Various mouthwashes have anti-bacterial properties, for teeth whitening and stain removal. This will prevent your teeth from becoming yellow. For a natural remedy, you can rub your teeth with a slice of lemon.
Brush your teeth after each meal
If you have the opportunity to brush your teeth after eating a meal, take advantage of it. Experts advise brushing your teeth even an hour after eating – at which point saliva neutralizes the acids in the food.
Use dental floss
A lot of plaque can build up between your teeth, so if you don’t remove it properly, it will continue to build up. Once plaque has built up, only a dental professional can remove it. You should schedule dental cleanings at a dentist near you every six months. Be sure to floss regularly to prevent the buildup of plaque. Thorough dental care helps prevent gum disease and decay.
Replace your toothbrush every three months
To keep your teeth healthy and white, don’t be afraid to change your toothbrush every three months. The longer you use it, the worse it will be to remove plaque from your teeth and gums. What’s worse, bacteria begin to build up in your toothbrush, and at this point, it is unhealthy to use it to clean your teeth.
Have you been whitening your teeth before? Avoid dark-coloured foods and drinks
If you have acquired teeth whitening in Millwoods, then you can maintain a white smile by avoiding dark-coloured food and drinks as much as possible. Various beverages such as coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, vinegar, and ketchup can leave stains on your teeth, mainly if you use them after your teeth whitening procedure.
Try to eat crunchy food
Apples, carrots, and celery have natural cleansing particles that help remove tooth stains and plaque. When you consume these foods, it produces more saliva in your mouth to wash away debris in the mouth. Also, they do not harm enamel, so you can eat them as much as you want.
Practicing an oral hygiene routine daily is essential. Proper dental care daily allows you to have healthy teeth, avoid extra visits to the dentist, and also have a white smile. Ongoing care overcomes any dental plaque, and you can enjoy life with a big white smile.