9 Top Benefits of Using Fluoride Treatments

benefits of fluoride treatment

The application of fluoride is a common treatment performed by most dentists as a way to protect the teeth from decay. This is one simple treatment and, therefore has many advantages for people of any age. Let’s look at the top nine benefits of fluoride treatment and why they are so essential for your oral health.

1. Helps Prevent Tooth Decay

Fluoride is a powerful mineral that helps to protect teeth from decay by making the enamel of your teeth stronger. The outer layer of teeth is known as enamel, which guards teeth against wear. Fluoride makes the enamel more resistant to acid attacks from foods and drinks, hence reducing the possibility of cavities.

2. Repairs Early Tooth Decay

Fluoride can prevent the decay process even though the cavity has not yet started forming. This is conducted through remineralization, which will partly reverse some of the acids’ damage to the enamel. The ability to replace lost minerals will therefore prevent small areas of decay from becoming larger issues, which in turn saves time and money. Our dentist near you offers fluoride treatment in Millwoods to retain the strength and health of your teeth.

3. Reduces the Risk of Cavities

Fluoride strengthens the enamel and lowers the chances of developing cavities. The way this treatment works is that it shields your teeth and the bacteria and acids in the mouth that cause cavities. This is especially important for kids, teenagers, and adults who are more likely to get cavities.

4. Fluoride Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

Fluoride treatments can do wonders for individuals who are suffering from sensitive teeth. The sensitivity is mostly due to the wearing down of enamel or recession of gums exposing the inner structures of the tooth. Fluoride can strengthen and protect these areas, reducing discomfort and helping to make your teeth less sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks.

5. Protects Against Gum Disease

Fluoride also helps protect your gums.  Gum disease occurs when plaque builds up along the gum line, causing an infection or inflammation. Fluoride helps prevent plaque growth, reducing your risk of developing gum disease.

6. Improves Overall Oral Health

Fluoride protects not only teeth but the entire mouth as well by preventing the subsequent development of harmful bacteria. Furthermore, fluoride treatment encourages good oral hygiene by minimizing risk factors leading to other oral diseases like halitosis.

7. It’s Safe and Effective

Fluoride treatments are very safe when applied by a dental professional. Dentist carefully applies the fluoride to ensure it works without causing harm. In fact, fluoride treatments are one of the most researched and proven methods for keeping teeth strong and healthy.

8. Fluoride Treatment Side Effects

While fluoride treatments are very safe, there can be some mild side effects, such as an upset stomach if too much fluoride is swallowed. However, these side effects are rare and can easily be avoided by following your dentist’s instructions. If you’re concerned about fluoride side effects, talk to your dentist about any questions you may have.

9. Inexpensive and Convenient

Fluoride treatments are a cost-effective way to maintain your dental health. Most dental insurance plans cover fluoride treatments, and they are usually quick and easy to apply. Getting a fluoride treatment at your regular dental checkup is a convenient way to keep your teeth protected.


Fluoride treatments offer many benefits for your teeth and gums. From preventing cavities to reducing tooth sensitivity, fluoride can help protect your smile for years to come. If you haven’t had a fluoride treatment yet, ask your Edmonton dentist if it’s right for you!

Protect Your Smile With Fluoride Treatment!

Dental Elements offers fluoride treatments to protect your smile. Fluoride strengthens your teeth, making them more resistant to cavities. Our experienced dentist in Millwoods can offer personalized fluoride treatments tailored to your oral needs. Schedule a consultation today and let us help you maintain a healthy, radiant smile.