How Can Dentists Protect You From Oral Cancer?

how can dentists protect you from oral cancer

Obviously, dentists care about your teeth. And also your gums. But they’re committed to more than just the health of your gums and teeth. They’re also committed to your general health as it can relate to your oral care. This means that, while providing essential dental care and treatment, your dentist in Millwoods will also screen you for a wide range of medical conditions — especially oral cancer.

How serious is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is probably not the first form of cancer that comes to mind, but it is serious and prevalent nonetheless. According to estimates by the Canadian Cancer Society, 5,400 Canadians will be diagnosed with oral cancer in 2020. Oral cancer will kill roughly 1,500 Canadians in 2020. One of the biggest factors affecting just how fatal oral cancer is in Canada is when it is detected. When oral cancer is discovered before it has spread beyond your mouth, the five-year survival rate for oral cancers is 93% for lip cancer 78% for tongue cancer; and 75% for cancer on the floor of your mouth. Those five-year survival rates are much lower — 48%, 63%, and 38%, respectively — if oral cancer is not detected until it has spread beyond the floor of your mouth, your lips, or your tongue.

What are the risk factors for oral cancer?

While everyone is at some risk of developing oral cancer, there are some risk factors that increase the likelihood that you’ll develop this serious condition. Genetic factors and your prior medical history are outside your control, but other risk factors are things you can take into account in your daily life, such as smoking or chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol frequently or excessively, and prolonged exposure to sun and other sources of ultraviolet radiation.

Early detection is key

As the five-year-survival rate figures we gave you above, indicate, early detection is one of your biggest defences against oral cancer. Early detection obviously doesn’t prevent the development of oral cancer, but it does bring it to the attention of your dentist at a time when early medical intervention can make a difference and even save your life.

The primary goal of oral cancer screening in Millwoods is to identify potential indications of the earliest forms of oral cancer. If precancerous lesions can pose a risk of developing into cancer, those lesions can be removed or treated as early as possible. If further treatment by other medical professionals is appropriate, your dentist will refer you to the appropriate medical professionals and support you in obtaining the medical attention you need to identify and understand any apparent risks.

What to expect during oral cancer screening near you

The most convenient way to undergo an oral cancer screening at your dentist’s clinic is to attend dental appointments regularly. Your dentist and their staff will perform a screening at the same time as your appointment without any extra effort or arrangements required on your part.

Your dentist will examine your mouth for sores and patches while also palpating and exploring for any concerning lumps and other abnormalities. Dentists may also use the VELscope oral cancer screening system which almost instantly and completely painlessly identifies potential early signs of irregular and potentially cancerous cells using special lights.

While an oral cancer screening during a regular dental checkup or annual teeth cleaning is the most convenient option, it is by no means your only one. If you are concerned with your personal risk factors for oral cancer and want some support from your dentist separate and apart from regular dental checkups, don’t hesitate to contact a dentist near you to arrange an appointment especially for that purpose.